Add These 9+1 Herbs to Your Chicken Feed (and Coop) for a Winning Result and Optimal Health

Add These 9+1 Herbs to Your Chicken Feed (and Coop) for a Winning Result and Optimal Health
A bountiful blend of beautiful herbs for your chickens.

Beneficial Herbs that Support Chicken Health

Caring for chickens by optimizing their diet with a healthy dose of supportive herbs can help to keep your feather friends bacteria, worm and pest-free.

Add these botanicals to support the well-being of your flock, from beak to bottom! Prevent common illnesses by feeding these herbs to your flock and support good egg production.

Discover the compilation of top herbs listed below and start incorporating them in your chicken feed today:


Sage acts as an antioxidant and can help combat salmonella. Add this dried herb to your chicken's daily feed to aid in good health. Sage is great for the overall health of your chickens.


Use oregano for overall defense against illness, such as avian flu and salmonella when added to poultry feed regularly.


Parsley is a chicken super-food. It’s nutrient-dense and can provide a good dose of vitamins when eaten.

Healthy, rich (looking and tasting) eggs from a couple beautiful hens in my chicken coop.


It not only freshens the coop with its piney aroma but also repel insects. Rosemary provides respiratory support for your feathery flock. Use in and around the coop, fresh or dried.


Mint helps repel rodents and insects. Mint naturally helps chickens lower their body temperature. Add dried mint to nesting boxes for soothing stress-relief. Also, add it to dust bath areas and sprinkle with water as a cooling spa bath for your chick-a-dees! With that, it makes the coop smell great! Peppermint is an all-around herbal winner for your flock.


Calendula heals, disinfects and supports repair with its anti-bacterial and antioxidant properties. A tip: adding calendula flowers to your chickens feed can produce some of the richest looking egg yolks around!

A bowl of dried calendula.


Thyme has antibiotic and antibacterial properties. Provide your flock with thyme by adding the dried herb to their feed. Also, thyme helps maintain good respiratory health in chickens.


Adding basil to the mix helps support mucus membranes and respiratory system.

Red Pepper Flakes 

Red pepper flakes (when added to feed in small amounts) helps to prevent internal worms and bad bacteria.

Bonus Herb: Lavender (add to nesting boxes)

Lavender helps relieve stress for hens while laying or during broody phases. Sprinkle it in nesting boxes and other cozy places your girls like to lay eggs to calm and support your lovely ladies during these times.

If your chickens enjoy additional herbs not listed in this post, let me know in the comments!